At the top of the script I have
var WndProfileInformation;
Is this not enough? So in the function I only use
WndProfileInformation.ImgElmt_SetImageFile('ImgDisplayPic', OutFile);
But for some reason I can't use it in the download function...
EDIT: Made a mistake in the function name...
It works quit good now, but I use the following code now:
function OnEvent_DownloadFileComplete(Url, OutFile, Success)
Debug.Trace('File: ' + OutFile);
WndProfileInformation.ImageElmt_SetImageFile('ImgDisplayPic', OutFile);
But It doesn't show it in the element, but there does change something. The default image is removed, but the new image is not shown... Do I have to do anything with the OutFile path? Maybe add some slashes...
EDIT2: Missed Marty's post, just had to add to slashes before the path, it works great now! Thanks guys