O.P. Status2FTP help!
I have entered all my FTP details, check them, checked them again and checked the again. But it keeps saying failed to connect to FTP server.
So I loaded up Wireshark (Packet Analyser) and it gave me this:
Response: 220 Microsoft FTP Service
Request: USER administrator
Responce: 331 Password required for administrator.
Request: PASS -removed-
Responce: 230-Welcome WARNING: --blah blah blah, message warning people not to mess about on the FTP server--
Responce: 230 User administrator logged in
Request: CWD /Site/msn/
Responce: 250 CWD command successful.
Request: PWD
Responce: 257 "/Site/msn" is current directory.
Then thats it.. apart from:
3344 > ftp [ACK] Seq=63 Ack=321 Win=65215 Len=0
So there is not a problem connecting to the FTP server.. so what is going off?