Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
Then you also have to factor in that it would be near impossible to get between 2 points in the universe without running into an obstacle, be it a planet, star or black hole etc.
Actually, the universe is mostly made up of empty space. Thus unless the size of the craft you were using was around the size of a galaxy or something absurd like that you would never really hit anything.
Universe is mostly empty space
Its only dodgy science books which make us think that the universe is full of stuff, when in fact even our solar system is empty space.
As an analogy think of the atom; if an atom was the size of a football field the Nucleus would be about the size of a pin in the middle of this field. Although yes, quantum mechanics and the heisenberg principle does make this analogy a bit invalid.
If atoms are 99.999999999999% empty space...