i don't care tbh
so long as it's not a requirement for me to marry another girl
.. i'm ok with it.
Originally posted by ShawnZ
once they change it for gay marriage, some idiot in the corner will want to legalize bestiality too
eew bestiality
.... i heard that some guy in the canadian senate said that "people are not ready for that yet" insinuating that it could become legal in the future...
Originally posted by Patchou
I'm for allowing it as state union but let's not push it by forcing churches to recognize it.
same here. yeah, i bet that some christians, muslims, some/ mainly orthodox jews, and some hindu religions would never agree to it.
it would change everything about the religions... and i mean, if one person has one opinion why can't another have their own opinion too.
some religions prohibit eating pork, even though so many others eat it. some prohibit premarital sex. some believe there are alien overlords... etc. ... meh. who cares.
so long as nobody discriminates or forces change upon the other, it's alright in my opinion. do whatever you want