Originally posted by FRancescoITA
hello i am italian.I have a problem with Messenger Plus I installit and everything is all right but to the reboot of the computer Messenger Plus there isn't. I try and I retry but nothing. I have also tried to disinstall all and reinstall but nothing. how can I do????? help mepea
Ahah Francesco il tuo inglese fŕ pena......Kmq dimmi che sistema operativo hai se hai privilegi amministrativi...Inoltre spiegati meglio...Cioč tu installi il plus e poi tutto ok...Successivamente riavvi il computer e il plus sparisce???
Ahah Francesco you english is not very good....However please tell me what os you have installed and if you have admin privilegies...Moreover try to explain your problem better;If i have understood well you install plus and until you reboot your pc is all right..After reboot plus doesn't work...but before Reboot does it work??