Unfortunately, that doesn't exist. Furthermore, it would take quite a lot of work to actually create and if it was made it wouldn't have such a nice design. You can get the same kind of effect using the "group sequential messages from each contact together" feature found in WLM itself in the Option > Messages. Unfortunately, this is the best that can be offered at the current point in time, maybe in the future you might get lucky....
Originally posted by Matty
Nothing like this is done or can be done. Not even if you skin Windows Live Mesenger will this be possible.
You could just use Plus! windows if you really wanted and hide the chat windows whenever they are created. I was planning on making my own nicer interfaced messenger look doing this method but realised a lot of shortcomings involved and didn't progress any further than my thoughts. It would be possible that way, but would be very limitted in features and stuff like that.