Originally posted by warmth
now it works, thanks a lot matty... how about to do an interface where you can choose the hotkey??? maybe this can be very usefull for other people here but no with the ESC key...
Something like that doesn't deserve an interface to be honest.
If people want a different key then they can change the code
MSDN Virtual Keycodesquote:
Originally posted by Matty
if (Interop.Call('user32', 'GetAsyncKeyState', 0x1b /* VK_ESC */) !== 0){
The 0x1b in this line would be changed to whatever Virtual Keycode you want from the link.
Originally posted by warmth
to have a timer like that always working doesn't cause memory leaks???
Originally posted by warmth
and there is a problem... when you have only a convo opened and the contact list and press ESC the convo get closed and the contact list too... cause it got the focus...
Happens to me too only once in awhile, not sure.