RE: error safe redirect?
I'm not sure if this will fix it, but if you're using firefox or iceweasel with the NoScript plugin, you can turn off meta redirects. I use it to get around Microsoft forums that redirect you if you turn javashit off. You do have to make that one extra click if you really did want to be redirected, but it's worth it for all the rude behaviour it stops.
And besides, if you do browse that site with firefox + noscript, there's very little chance of a security problem anyway.
was put impeccably into words at DebianDay for me last Saturday, by Knut Yrvin of Trolltech - adults try something once, fail, and then are like "ffs this doesn't work". Children try, fail, and then try again, and succeed - maybe on the second, or even fifth retry. But the thing is that they keep at it and overcome the problems in the end.