O.P. Sug.-Tag like "Patchou has read this thread's latest post" at top of a thread
I searched the forum but couldn't find anything like this, maybe this has been suggested before, if so sorry.
I want a tag like the one above at the tops of threads in order to be sure about Patchou visited that thread and aware of the bug reports and suggestions and whatelse. It would be good especially for the subforums under "Messenger Plus! Live Extension" because when some suggestions were not implemented, I can't be sure whether Patchou has seen it and didn't like the idea or he has not been aware of that suggestion even. Also for bug reports, it would be good to know whether Patchou has seen the report and will fix it.
This will compromise the privacy of Patchou but I am sure he will make the sacrifices for the sake of his product. Thus, also newcomers would leave asking about whether the developer read this thread or not.
Any ideas?