Originally posted by alegator
Thanks everyone for their replies. I read that hackers run special scanners that scan many IP's per second to be able to intrude in systems. So, even if I don't use it at all, is it a high probability that a hacker might take control of my PC in such a situation? MY firewall frequently reports intrusion attempts, even with the PC not being used at all, so I wonder what those intrusion attempts might do without any firewall.
no, not really, agenst common belief, most hackers only focus on business, and profit worthy people, if you don't know them, and you don't make your self known to them, then they usualy won't try to "hack" you, (i say usualy, because it could happen, but not a high chance)
if you have a high speed connection, and smart internet surfing habits, then you can remain, spyware/virus/malware/hacker free indefinably