Originally posted by ICD
what do the numbers equal? as in 1=white or 10=black i dont know
Those numbers (0 to 99) represent the colors you'll see in the color tool window (eg: like shown below in the screenshot). There are 68 different colors defined like that.
A list of the hexadecimal RGB values together with their index number can be found in:
CookieRevised's reply to Replace Colour Codes
eg: 0=white, 1=black, 2=dark blue, 3=dark green, 4=red, etc...
Note that if the number starts with "#" it isn't an index but an RGB value:
eg: "[c=#FF0000]This is red[/c]" is the same as "[c=4]This is red[/c]"
And you can also use color names:
eg: "[c=red]This is also red[/c]"