O.P. A Radio Code script
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Although this is my first post on this forum and you all might think i'm a noob I am very experienced with forums. (I even used to be a moderator of one)
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I was wondering if somebody could teach me to (or make) a script that goes something like this:
If you type something (when in a conversation) like "/rdocde <message>" would it be possible to change the text to radio code?
"ABC 123" would be changed to Alpha Bravo Charlie One Two Three."
Anyway heres the translation of Radio Code:
A.............................. ALPHA
B.............................. BRAVO
C.............................. CHARLIE
D.............................. DELTA
E.............................. ECHO
F.............................. FOXTROT
G.............................. GOLF
H.............................. HOTEL
I.............................. INDIA
J.............................. JULIET
K.............................. KELO
L.............................. LIMA
M.............................. MIKE
N.............................. NOVEMBER
O.............................. OSCAR
P.............................. PAPA
Q.............................. QUEBEC
R.............................. ROMEO
S.............................. SIRREA
T.............................. TANGO
U.............................. UNIFORM
V.............................. VICTOR
W.............................. WHISKEY
X.............................. XRAY
Y.............................. YANKEE
Z.............................. ZULU
This post was edited on 05-18-2007 at 08:59 AM by EaglesNestOne.