Originally posted by Mattike
someone works on a wide-screen resolution and someone maximizes his browser when he's browsing the web.
Yes, i know... i just never understood why you would want to do that.. Just like people maximizing their Messenger contact list on normal and even big resolutions. To me it doesn't really seem to add any value... except from big whitespaces / messed up layouts, or really wide lines that make you need to move your head a lot to read the text
Don't get me wrong, I
do love big screens... But maximizing certain apps just doesn't make sense to me, I rather leave some space on the side for chats or other windows. But i'm just dodgy like that i guess
Originally posted by q25
MenthiX: I was talking about the new "look" not the new features that came along with it
Kay, I do not dislike it, so my vote still counts