Originally posted by Volv
Originally posted by kato9096
support display others peoples IP address
What does that even mean? Is this a request or what?
If you're not even going to take the time of day to write a post which makes sense at any level then why expect to have helpful or useful feedback/answers?
Your topic says you want Messenger Plus! Live, you can download Messenger Plus! Live at www.msgpluslive.net/download/
Others have interpreted your post as a request for getting your contact's IP address. Why would you want to do this, and why should Messenger Plus! do this? There is no reason - if your contact wants to give you their IP Address then they will do so using the (!IP) tag as Katie stated.
Jesus christ... Relax, no need to bite her head off... A simple suggestion to expand on her posts and make the title more directive to the topic would've been enough... Besides, kato isn't even english, ever thought they might not be able to speak fluent english? Futhermore, her post did make sense, you're just throwing a hissy fit because the grammer isnt tip top and she put a wrong title. Next time point some one to their errors, dont go grabbing the shotgun straight away.