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iTunes, "Show what I'm listening to"
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RE: iTunes, "Show what I'm listening to"
I had a similar situation and my experience might be of some insight to msgplus developers/advanced users so they can maybe explain what's going on...

I had just installed WLM 8.5 beta when I decided to give Msg Plus Live a try *for the first time* (meaning I had never installed it or any scripts before). My main objective was, also for the first time, enabling the iTunes songs currently playing to appear as the "show what I am listening to" psm...

I noticed that didn't work by default (simply by turning that feature on in the default WLM 8.5 installation while having iTunes on playing songs...) so I went and downloaded the current 4.23.276 realease not even knowing how to use it but having only read that it was possible to enable the iTunes link-up with it (and not even knowing that this was normaly done through add-on scripts like the ones mentioned on previous posts).

So, after downloading, I shut down WLM and begin the installation and afterwards the customization wizards automatically started and it launched WLM.

I went through all the steps (took me like 10 minutes while testing all the cool features) and to my surprise, after finishing the config wizard, the iTunes song currently playing was already on my PSM!!

I thought to myself 'wow, this is really cool... didn't even have to configure that...' .... I even fowarded to the next songs and it changed automatically (as it should) in less than a second or two.

So all was cool, until I shut down WLM and restarted it after unchecking the "Add Messenger Plus! buttons in the contact list" (which immediatley told me I had to restart WLM for that change to take effect). And so I did... and to my surprise, the current iTunes song didn't appear anymore as my PSM....

I cursed my damn need to tweak the configs and undid the last changes I made, but that didn't help... So the I came to the website and did some reading and found out that that feature (iTunes song as PSM) supposedly worked only with the help of scripts... I thought that was weird as I had just seen it work without installing any additional scripts... even went and confirmed that the scripts list was empty.....

So I downloaded an iTunes script and tried it and.... didn't work.... downloaded another (and made sure just the last one was running) ... and it didn't work either.... (tried uninstalling the first, but still nothing...)

Long story short, that damn feature never got to work again.... but what I don't get is.... why the need of a script if Msg Plus made it work right after installing if the first time and without any need of configuration???

Any ideas?

BTW, I'm running WinVista x64 & WLM 8.5 & iTunes 7.2.... and they all work fine except for the "show what i'm listening to" feature...
06-09-2007 07:56 AM
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Messages In This Thread
iTunes, "Show what I'm listening to" - by Twild on 06-08-2007 at 09:12 PM
RE: iTunes, "Show what I'm listening to" - by Twild on 06-08-2007 at 09:25 PM
RE: iTunes, "Show what I'm listening to" - by MattyRid on 06-08-2007 at 09:29 PM
RE: iTunes, "Show what I'm listening to" - by xJ + on 06-09-2007 at 03:56 AM
RE: iTunes, "Show what I'm listening to" - by rgonzruiz on 06-09-2007 at 07:56 AM

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