RE: Doctor Who - Not the last of his kind?
It might be answered next week! After all, why tell us everything this week and then no need to watch next week. Now to the nit picking:
1) Last week's episode had a continuity problem. (SPOILER IF NO ONE HAS SEEN TORCHWOOD)
Jack is seen running towards the Tardis at the start of the episode. HOWEVER, at the end of Torchwood when Jack is walking through the base, we hear the Tardis (and the paper blowing around signalling the arrival) landing IN Torchwood....I need to get out more
2) Why did that UNIT (glad to see that came back. Thought their theme would be a lost treasure) ship Valliant look like Cloudbase from Captain Scarlet?
BTW, does anyone else have the feeling that this COULD end a little like the first series?
This post was edited on 06-24-2007 at 05:27 PM by Vazza.
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