Originally posted by andrey
Originally posted by trackmsn.com
Please ADD MSN Usernames only, e.g. david_456 instead of david_456@MSN.com
MSN Username? You do know that you can register every email with WLM, not only @msn.com?
And I'm not sure exactly how this works, but I'm guessing it works similar to a blockchecker, and thus is just as inaccurate/useless..
hi andrey,
Yes you are right any email address can be used in WLM, but MSN Tracker currently supports only @msn and @hotmail usernames. It will support all the email addresses also in near future.
Blockcheckers claim to show you the real status of a person even if he are in invisible mode. MSN Tracker does not claim anything like that. It is just simple clean application that tells you about the last 24 hours activity. It is useful or not depends on person to person.