O.P. Tabbed chat stops minimize animation
I'm not sure whether this should be posted as a bug or not so if it does could this be moved please.
Live Messenger version: 8.1 (Build 8.1.0178.00)
Messenger Plus! version:
Windows version: XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2
When the chat window is put in tabbed mode the animation of the window when being minimized doesn't occur and the window is sent direct to the task bar. If the tabbed conversations is turned off then the minimize animation occurs again.
This is a slight annoyance to me as I have my task bar turned off and use RocketDock as my main program launcher. Any windows that are minimized (using the animation) are grabbed by the dock and are sent to that but if the animation doesn't occur then dock doesn't pick up the window and is still sent to the task bar (where I can no longer see it)
Would be cool if the animation could be added back.