Originally posted by MenthiX
Patchou, all the SQL data is still there, right?
You could do a very simple fully automized script... Just put up a page that asks users to fill in their emailaddress they used with the contest. After a user submits an emailaddress the script looks in the database if there is data from that address, if there is it sends the heatmap to the specified emailaddress. Just needs a check to prevent sending the heatmap to the same address multiple times so others can't flood your email with it.
Involves a bit of coding maybe, but no security risk (as far as i can see) and 100% automized.
and you can have some sort of a timer so it won't send again within, say, a day.
Originally posted by MicroWay
Yeah!!! Cool news and results....
I didn't won, but maybe we could have some more of contest, no????
Originally posted by Patchou
I’ll soon post another news article about what’s coming in the universe of Messenger Plus! (something exciting ) so in the meantime, enjoy your summer vacation if you have any!
Cool!!! I'll wait for the news!!!
I don't believe it's another contest, more like a new featureful release of Messenger Plus.
Originally posted by ahmetgns
In my opinion, when they get the clue about heatmaps (or clickmaps), they will view it. I think, the number of people who don't care it is few compared with to the ones who will care it.
somehow I doubt it, do note the existing heat maps. . .
I doubt that people can continue playing like that after seeing those heat maps.