RE: Entering messages
Firstly, I'm sorry Cookie for not remembering that event in the first instance. I just remembered another time when someone wanted a hot key and had to use that method. But I do have a question to propose....
Is there a reason why Plus! does not trigger OnEvent_ChatWndEditKeyDown() when either ENTER or SHIFT+ENTER is pressed? It does however work for CTRL+ENTER. If this could be done then you would only need to return the boolean value true for when ENTER is pressed instead to stop the use of the ENTER key.
It is not like it would even effect the use of selecting a command from Plus!'s command box either because those keypresses aren't detected (which is understandable and how it should react). And furthermore it would not effect the use of the likes of the /all command either because it is only nullifying the use of the ENTER key.
I do realise this creates a way for people to stop messages being sent from a person through the use of a script, but there things a lot worse that a script could be hiding anyway....