there are two more lines needed to be changed:
try{ beepxfire = (WSH.RegRead(MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath + 'beepxfire') == 'Yes'); } catch(exception){}
try{ xfire = (WSH.RegRead(MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath + 'xfire') == 'Yes'); } catch(exception){}
change to:
try{ beepxfire = (WSH.RegRead(MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath + 'beepxfire') == 'true'); } catch(exception){}
try{ xfire = (WSH.RegRead(MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath + 'xfire') == 'true'); } catch(exception){}
Now, for those few of you, who uses "portable" xfire, where profile stores in the same directory where xfire is, so you dont have to reconfigure xfire everytime you reinstall windows or if run it on a different computer, you need replace path to Status.ini (which is located in
X:\path_to_xfire_folder\Profile\Status.ini) in AppMon+.js this line:
var inipath = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%APPDATA%\\Xfire\\Status.ini');
for example if your xfire is installed in E:\Chat\Xfire, then the line in AppMon+.js should be like this:
var inipath = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').ExpandEnvironmentStrings('E:\\Chat\\Xfire\\Profile\\Status.ini');
(make sure you use double backslashes)