RE: Java or PHP.. or JScript
js wouldn't allow you to create a graph in an image form (ie. which can be right click > saved etc.), PHP would probably be the best way to go as it supports the GD library (you'll need to check with your web host though - or just try it and see if it works) and has perhaps some relatively simpler methods of creating such graphs depending on how you want it to look.
Most important is that you've planned how you're going to incorporate this PHP or JS into your script. If it's gonna be something done completely locally then JS is really the only way to go (if you want it to show in a browser), if the script user is going to have to visit a website then PHP is probably best. There are methods of doing this in a PlusWnd as well which would probably be most suitable for a script, but as I don't know what exactly you're trying to do it's a bit difficult to determine what's best for you.
This post was edited on 07-31-2007 at 12:52 PM by Volv.