Originally posted by markee
Well it will still stop any current ones rather than just making an EXTREMELY easy method of opening it all back up again. It means that the virus makers have to get another version out and then when it happens we can notify the likes of the people from tinyURL or whatever and get them to remove the link as well as report the person to their ISP as they will have the IP address that was used.
do you know how long it takes to compile and distribute a new version of a virus? considering every virus these days is typically a botnet client, all the author would have to do is type ".download newpath" or related. you're really not making any point at all.
lets ban markee, because there's a one in a million chance that his msghelp.net account will be compromised some time in the future and have a virii writer post a link to a virus on the forums. in another one in a million chance one or two people might actually run it and be infected.
preemptive censorship owns