how do i do so it says
-(my script) info:*
-(my script) has x lines
-(my script) is x kb big
-(my script) has x files and x maps
-(my script) is active/inaktiv*
or something in the debug window but x are the real number...?
*= that i already know
-(my script) info:*
-(my script) has 303 lines
-(my script) is 174 kb big
-(my script) has 6 files and 2 maps
-(my script) is active*
that was the info on my script
Scripts in progres:
AIOS??% 3050 lines (1800 lines more in the xml files) and 6 Mb (total)
(renamed from bad word filter.. it can do more than filter words now
Programs in progres:
a calculator (name: Mini): ??% 3600 lines
and 280 Kb (it was 100 lines first but my friend wanted it a little bit more advanced)
Sorry for my english.. im not so good