O.P. RE: Scripts not independant of accounts...
I dont see how this should be so hard. In the registry just have a list of all the scritps and have two fields: one called users_enabled which will have a comma seperated list of all the users this script is enabled for and then users_show which has a comma seperated list of all the users this script will appear for.
Whenever a new user is signed in they are added to both these fields. They can then go to the Msg+ GUI and when they remove a script there name gets removed from user_show and user_enabled for that script and when they disable it, there name gets removed from user_enabled and re-added if they re-enable.
Alternately you could have the email address of the user and then under that you have scripts and under that have all the scripts. In scripts you have 2 default keys, status which either true or false which declares wheteher its enabled disabled. Rather then deleteing the folder for the script, you would have a key called "deleted" or something, the reason for this is you could easily integrate a settings function into Msg+ scripting which works like so, setting("setting_name", "setting_value");. This way, if the user deletes the script, then reinstalls there settings remain. And this settings function would make things easier for those who dont understand the registry aswell as others.
Sorry if thats hard to understand, if you need clarification, just ask.
/-- Thanks, Malekith