Yes, those are "quick icons" as you called it which you can use to change your own status. However, these are added by changing the UIFILE, and to make a script which can dynamically do this, you'd be facing a lot of problems. To name a few:
- You need to choose a method to use:
- You have to hook into Messenger's graphical engine and catch the event where it draws a conversation window and thus wants to read the UIFILE. Then, you'll need to add in those elements. (this is how Plus! draws
its her icons)
- You need to load the right UIFILE (for chat windows, that is 4004 > 920) from Messenger, modify it and change the resource in memory. (this is how MemSkin+ works)
- Skins can totally modify the structure of the UIFILEs. For example, a skin could place the display pictures area at the left side instead of the right side, or simply remove that area. The script will never be able to determine exactly if it can add those buttons and eventually add them where they should be.