Haven't seen this on the forums (or don't know how to use Search enough good
) so I'll put it here.
If Admins/Mods think it suits better in some other forum they can move the topic...
All of you have already heard of famous @live.com domains.
You can get them by clicking
here and then copy this code:
javascript:function r(q){} function s(q){e[q] = new Option(a[q],a[q])}; r(e = document.getElementById('idomain').options);r(d='live.');r(a = new Array(d+'com',d+'com.au',d+'be',d+'ca',d+'co.uk',d+'de',d+'fr',d+'it',d+'nl')); for (i=0;i<a.length;i++){ s(i ) }alert('Success - additional domains added!');
The hint is that you can write anything you want where it says (d='live.').
You can substitute live. for example messenger. and you will get a brand new set of domains. After registration you can use the address for any service that needs Windows Live ID.
The thing is, you can normally sign in into Messenger but you can't change your nickname (except using /nickname).
Is there any oder script or hint with which you can "verify" address you've created this way?