Thanks for the quick reply! Believe it or not, that's precisely what I'm doing right now to test this method. This is the code I'm using:
function OpenNewProfileWindow() {
var Wnd = MsgPlus.CreateWnd("InterfaceTest.xml", "ProfileChooser");
Wnd.Combo_SetCurSel("ChooseProfile", Wnd.Combo_AddItem("ChooseProfile", "Dungeons and Dragons 3.5"));
var item =Wnd.LstView_AddItem("ListViewer", "Test");
Wnd.LstView_SetItemText("ListViewer", item, 0, "Test 1");
Wnd.LstView_SetItemText("ListViewer", item, 1, "Test 2");
Wnd.LstView_SetItemText("ListViewer", item, 2, "Test 3");
That quick and dirty code isn't made for release, but I'm just doing it to see how the controls work. That does work as intended, except for one thing: I can't get the fields to be editable. I've attached the interface I've made.
Here's a picture for reference of what it looks like right now.
I can't edit or select any of the columns except for the first one, and even that doesn't always work. The user needs to be able to edit the last two columns.
If you could tell me how to do that, I would be very grateful. At least I'm thinking in the right direction so far, I think.