The default format of the naming convention is more user friendly /readable than the industry-like ISO format. It uses the user's local system format to name the folders.
And as said before also, you as the user does have the ability to name the folders however you want.
As for sorting, this has consequences:
Sorting must be done in such way that it is logical nomatter how the logs are named. This can only be achieved if you sort alphabetically, which is very logical (unless you don't know the alphabet). So nothing needs to be changed in the logviewer at all or in the way it sorts the files and folders. Which is explained several times in this discussion.
I gather there might be performance issues with having an individual log file per conversation, so that's why they are currently stored in monthly files.
This is where MP falls over and is illogical. Having all the Decembers grouped together is of no use at all.... The log files must flow chronologically by default.
This hasn't got anything todo with performance issues. They are stored by default the way they are because "January 2007" is more readable and user friendly than "200701, "2007-01", "2007/01", etc. It is the system's default. That is why it was done that way by default.
You couldn't agree with it, but that is why there is the possebility to change it (although this needs to be done in the not-user-friendly registry).
Messenger Plus! should work logically out-of-the-box. So let's fix it so that from this point onwards, it works correctly.
Absolutely no arguments there. But still, except for the point that it currently doesn't work with
some form of ISO8601, you can change to it.
Also the fact that not everybody in the world uses the same calender type plays a major roll here. The ISO8601 is simply not a
natural way of representing a date, yes it is unambiguous (mostly, as that can also be debated actually), but is is unnatural for a very large part of the world (except for Japan or something).
This again makes that using the local system date format is far more user friendly, out-of-the-box.
And seeing that only one or two people out of the million users have a real problem with all this, I don't think that the default method it currently uses is so
inlogical and
You can agree with it or not; natural language like or international standard like, and you would be correct, just as the others would be correct too...
The rest of the people simply change the format once, to the way they want and be done with it.