Originally posted by Chestah
Well Cookie... you could implement it where:
if you filter certain categories and then no commands are present in that category as the user types in more of the command then it will show commands matching from other categories too. So basicially, it only shows matching commands from all categories when the user refines his search down to a point where there is no matching commands in the filtered categories.
I thought of that also, but I like that even less then just an empty panel because it would become really confusing in certain situations.
What about a situation where you have script commands like /awaynow, /awaydelay, /awayoff and you've previsouly only selected the script commands to be shown.
You would completely miss the buid-in /away command, since the panel wouldn't be empty. But the panel would also only show those three script commands....
This isn't the best example at all, but shows how it can be confusing to some users (who don't know all the commands by heart <= for which this panel was especially created in the first place).
Then again, you could say they should turn off the script selection. But what is the use then?
Unless the selection _is_ reset each time the panel is opened. In that way there wouldn't be any confussion as the /away command would show up. And if the user then thinks "Hey, wait a minute, this is still a long list and I don't need the /away command" he could _intentionally_ refine the search by pressing the buttons.
I know I wouldn't use those selections anyways in normal IM use. Only very rarely and maybe when I do need to check upon a particular script or something. And afterwards I don't want to type again "/" to reset everything back for the next command I need to find.... So I think the selection should not be remembered at all.
dunno... this is again some of those great suggestions of which you say "YES!", until you start thinking about it....
^^ not meant sarcastically