Originally posted by Keikonium
Thanks Willz! I will give it a look thru. I love the tables you have made, they were really useful for finding the correct folder and files to edit to change specific parts of the tutorial.
I was wondering if you have an ETA for a tutorial on how to change toasts? I have gotten it how I want it except the background which is horribly stretched @_@.
Thanks again .
Well they way I am planning it is this:
Next tutorial covers making new resources and how you can control definition files to lay out things the way you want it to.
The one after will cover resources and the sign in window
and then I suppose the next one would be toasts and the contact list.
No ETA though as I got my hands tied with other stuff atm.
And yes I know the basics of SkinInfo.xml may be very simple, but it is necessary to cover it to prepare those who don't know it. Plus I'm sure most people would find the information on multi-layered MSNRLE files very useful, since 4 out 5 people make the mistake thats outlined there