Originally posted by roytam1
it's 20062.png
* roytam1 patches WLM 8.0 with mess patch because of the light upper background(Translucent Dashboard) only.
Mate I think you are a little confused... ID=20062 is the border of the contact lista (CL) and Logon screen windows... what I understood of what you said after you are taling about the convo's top background... cause I remember that feature in Mess Patch... what I must say is that my skin is just a skin no a new messenger... so if you patch it maybe you could screw things up a little bit... cause actually remember you are running WLM 8.5 no WLM 8.0/8.1... and you can't patch a WLM 8.5 with a WLM 8.0/8.1 patch... maybe in some future... I could add an option to my skin to select that bg as if you were patched it... but no for now my friend cause actually I haven't finished the current one yet... sorry about it