i am trying to give users the option to remove buttons in the chat window but its not working, heres the code im using.
<*PlusSkin Conditions(RemInviteBtn = false)*>
<button class="HIGToolbarButton" padding=rect(5,5,5,4) layout=borderlayout() id=atom(invitetoimbtn) cmdid=40269 AccRole=43 Tooltip=true active=mouseandkeyboard|nosyncfocus margin=rect(5,0,5,0) accessible=true>
<ButtonIcon class="HIGToolbarIcon" contentalign=middlecenter ID=Atom(ai149)/>
<element layoutpos=Right contentalign=middlecenter layout=filllayout()>
<ButtonText class="HIGToolbarText" content="" contentalign=middlecenter Shortcut=1 ID=Atom(ai150)/>
<*PlusSkin Conditions(RemInviteBtn = true)*>
based on this tutorial and lengthy sessions i have had with Nile this should work, anybody know what it is i have done wrong. heres the code that makes the option in skininfo.
<BoolVal Name="RemInviteBtn">
<DispLabel>Remove Invite Button (Chat Window)</DispLabel>
now as best i can see the option name matches up but if anyone can see a mistake here then id greatly appreciate it if you could tell me so i can correct it and learn from it lol.