O.P. Visual Basic, XML, XML Schema
Right, I know about basic XML, I used to use it when I used to make flash applications and I would add dynamic content via XML but now I have moved onto Visual Basic and I am wondering about XML Programming in Visual Basic. Form example Plus!Windows.
I have the PlusInterface.xsd (Schema file) and I have lots of Window files form various scripts, but say I wanted to make a window preview tool. So you load your XML and it displays the window as it would in plus.
I am guessing you would use the Schema file for this but how?
If I can manage to make this tool (Even though I know there is one already out) It would be greate for me! Please.
Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition (Dont mind if you talk to me using 2005, VB6 language etc. VB will probably update it)