O.P. Learner's skin
Personally, I haven't even touched skinning yet. I just don't have time. I was intending to do so when I got back from my vacation, but due to a flood at home, I'll be much too busy to do that.
However, I would love to know which resources are which when I do get into skinning, and I'm sure that would be the case for many other people as well.
My request is this; a skin that instead of enhancing the look of messenger, simplifies it and adds resource numbers/comments on items (at least the most popular/larger ones) that can be modified. Basically: sticking numbers on the resources to identify what their resource number is.
Suggestions on how to add on to this idea would be great too.
Big thanks to whoever completes this (It's obviously lots of work, so maybe people could cooperate and do it as a group ;o).
The future holds bright things in it\\\'s path, but only time will tell what they are and where they come from.
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