Basically what the script does:
Keeps a record of each string of text copied to the clipboard (may eventually include data) for easy recall later. It's similar to Word's clipboard and how it lets you have more than one of each type of data
There are 3 exe files included with this to reduce the scripts size considerably. VB has easier access to the clipboard than JScript (which relies on a lot of API work and dealing with handles ¬_¬). One program listens for clipboard changes, one updates the clipboard with a specified argument and the last one tells the listener when to quit. As a result GetClipboard.exe (the listener) constantly runs in the background until the script is uninitialized, however it only uses ~3,600K, hardly anything worth noticing. All files are created by me and are free from virii, but feel free to check if uncertain
I'm aware of a couple of errors, but let me know if you encounter them.