well heres howe i did my url
<Control xsi:type="LinkControl" Id="AboutUrl">
<Position Top="0" Width="170" Left="280"/>
<Caption>365 Skin: Created by UK Skins United (2007 - 2008)</Caption>
sey linkcontrol to AboutUrl which gets its value from your skininfo file and set caption to whatever you want the wording to be.
wasnt trying to double post here below is evidence of a post by blessedguy which i was expecting to be in between my last post and this one.
blessedguy has just replied to a thread which you have subscribed to at the Messenger Plus! Live Forums. This thread is titled [HELP] Creating A Custom Skinops Panel. Here is an excerpt of the message:--well...right or not, it workedwith the msgvista source, and only with the msgvista source...and...just one last question...how to put your URL in the panel??(like clickable, with the website url but showing something like "website") I've tried
that was taken from the notification email so as to what happened to the actual post i have no idea.