Originally posted by Patchou
Skin auto-updating is scheduled for the next version.
As for the documentation, if you see no change, get it again from the server. The Schema's documentation should include a "Fonts" element on the root (I had wrongly updated the file the day of the update).
You are right though, I should add more information to the documentaiton. I'm counting on the new tutorials section of the skin's database to fil lthe gaps. For the About Boxes: just create another window in the file you specified in <InterfaceFile>. You can find some more information about that in the documentation, "Options for Advanced Users" section, bottom of the page.
Finally...I release updates so oftenly...that i think users don't even know what version they are on! (althoug...they just need to check the About Messenger box...).
Oh, the Sknning Documentation works fine...to update to the new one just delete the old one in the main skins folder and click on the documentation link at the skins menu...i think its the same for scripts.
[Edited by moderator: The AboutWnd topic has been split to the skinning forum]