Originally posted by Basilis
You have to change the rightUM from 5 to 200 for example so it doesn't stretch. Please let me know if it worked and try more combinations like 300 or 250 instead of 200 in case it doesn't work
The boy speaks truth!
you might want to set it up as another element inside the log in window.
<Element resid=Scrollbar/>
<logonFrame resid=logonFrameResID id=atom(logonFrame) sheet=styleref(logonFrameSS) layout=borderlayout() layoutpos=client>
<Element id=atom(mainwndcontainer) Layoutpos=client Layout=FillLayout() Class="HIGStandardFont">
<Element Layout=BorderLayout()>
<Element id=atom(header) Layoutpos=top Height=0/>
<Element Layout=BorderLayout() layoutPos=bottom>
<Element padding=rect(0,0,5,5) content=rcbkd(59001) layoutpos=right/>
<Element id=atom(vapor)/>
<Element Layout=filllayout()>