RE: [Preview / Alpha] Who Sent It 0.7.1
This is second script I've tried of this sort and it also worked only ONCE - meaning it only "move" files to a newly created folder and will not move anything to previously created folder, which creates two identical files in "My Received Files" folder. (user A@A.A sends a file (blah.txt), a new folder "A@A.A" created and hardlink created in that folder - good. After that user A@A.A sends second file (blah2.txt), however no hardlink inside folder "A@A.A" is being created, instead hardlink created inside "My Received Files" folder (blah2.txt and blah2(1).txt)
Anyone has this issue?
P.S. IMHO creating hardlinks is absolutely useless, what's the point? Besides it will "scare" most of the people who doesn't know that its hardlinks and not physical copy of the files. And finally if one want to see all files in all subfolders, simply search for *
This post was edited on 03-23-2008 at 09:36 AM by V@no.