I'm trying to improve PSM Chat 1.0, wich allows others to create your PSM by typing !psm <message> (or any other command)(wth authors permission).
You can now also "ban" people from creating your PSM, by entering their name in the script, al following:
if (test == "on")
var name = Origin.substring(0,25);
if (name == "") {
if(Message.substring(0,1) == "~") {
damessage = Message.substring(1,500);
ChatWnd.SendMessage("You are not allowed...");
Now I want to make it so, that you can enter the E-MAIL adres, in stead of a name, because people often change their names, and also use bb codes etc...
But i dont know how? Does any else know? I tried using: var Email = Getadres (email) but it didn't work.
Any1 knows this? thx