RE: [Feature Suggestion] Script/Skin Updater
The quality of the scripts outside the DB can be checked as well.
The script-db is restrictive, even for "quality" scripts, and will be even more restrictive in the future (XP/Vista issue). There are already scripts in the DB which I have big questions about, quality wise (and the voting system is just really inlogic, but that's yet another matter). You are restricting thrustworthy people because some things are not accepted in the DB.
Plus! is already "responsible" for scripts, hence why it shows the warning that a script should only be started on the user's own risk. This can (and should) very easly be extended to the auto-update. It is still the user's responsebility to download the script and it's still the user's responsebility to run the script. In fact, at it is now, a script can very easly use its own update-mechanism to do something malicous and you would have no control over it. If you extend the use of the update-DB you actually make it that you DO have control over it for the scripts which use it. Thus you actually extend the control over more scripts than just the ones in the script-DB.
Checking scripts outside the script-DB (but in the update-DB) is just as difficult/easy as checking the ones which are in the script-DB. If a script does something not good, simply remove it from the script-DB and remove it from the update-DB, exactly the same. If the user sees an update message from Plus!, he would at least know their is some form of control (no matter how small or big).
I know it is Patchou's decision in the end, but if such an update mechanism is going to, _again_ , restrict the user, I'm certainly not happy about it and believe it is a very big oppertunity which is missed. Keep it open for all scripts, or at least do not restrict the script-DB so much.
All I can think of about this right now is that it is only for some kind of elite restricted group of scripters who don't tolorate anything else.
This post was edited on 04-02-2008 at 10:16 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.