Originally posted by markee
I propose a new function for creating windows with a string and not just an .xml file. This wouldmake translations easier and would mean that you wouldn't have those problems with unicode formatting, etc. You could also have it more dynamic, like what as wanted in Adding labels to a window via script.
I already proposed this
on the previous page, and I still think that it'd be helpful if we could do something likely. Whether it's a string, an XML Node, I don't care. But we really need a way to get control over the XML before we open the window. There are just too many things we can't change in runtime yet, and thus we need to use crappy workarounds.
To give an example... in Countdown Live 2.0, I wanted to use a MenuButtonControl for the "Extra", "Insert tag" and "Insert countdown" buttons. Because I couldn't modify those in runtime, I was forced to dig into the Win32 API again and write a workaround by using "regular" pop-up menus. These menus are positioned underneath the button and pop up when the button is clicked. Of course, this works great, but it would be lots easier if I could have just used some kind of method like
PlusWnd::MenuButton_SetMenu(Control, MenuXML) or something. Just a method to change the window XML before loading will do also!