I have 2 questions (and it seems a bit stupid to me, to post 2 threads in less than 15 min.
Is there a way to detect when a DLL function is called (so when I display a message box using "MessageBoxW" in "User32.dll")?
In the following piece of code, I get some weird error (though my scirpt works perfectly):
var Contacts = Messenger.MyContacts;
var e = new Enumerator(Contacts);
var c = Contacts.Count;
for(i = 0; i < c; i++) {
Contact = e.item();
EmailArray[i] = Contact.Email; // This line keeps giving a "-2146823281"-error..
// Debug.Trace(EmailArray[i]); Disabled.. Only gives the email addresses from the contactlist..
The error states that Contacts.Email is an empty object.
Part of the problem is my ability to understand the "for()" statement.. Which I don't really really don't understand..
2nd question solved