it's a bit late for a reply
Originally posted by SmokingCookie
I actually mean, that as soon as Windows calls a function in a DLL, I'd like to know of its name and parameters.. I have DLLExp, which only reads the DLL's function names and some weird "address" thing..
Have you tried with
Take a look at the picture, I installed a hook (using SpyStudio) to detect when 'MessageBox' is called ;D
so, when you call 'MessageBox' (in a script, for example) you will see the function's name and its parameters (useful when you want to learn about external application's behavior)
Interop.Call('user32', 'MessageBoxW', 0, 'text', 'title', 64)
about the second question... try this:
for(var e = new Enumerator(Messenger.MyContacts) ; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())
// WndEmail.Combo_AddItem("Email", e.item().Email);