Today I'm happy to announce a special competition for/with WLMStatus, which will take place in the following months: the "WLMStatus Server Competition". Whoever runs a new WLMStatus image server long and stable enough, gets a
free 3-months subscription to WLMStatus Premium! So what are the requirements to participate in this competition?
- Your server must meet the requirements listed on the WLMStatus home page (to repeat, MySQL, mod_rewrite, and some more bandwidth as usually).
- For participation in the competition, it must support at least 2,000 user slots (my freehoster servers run 500 slots usually).
- If you want to take part, you have to reply in the corresponding thread in the WLMStatus Forums and contact me on Messenger. You can find my messenger address in my signature and my profile.
- After WLMStatus files have been installed, the service must run 3 weeks (21 days) without any severe harm on your server. A tracker will be set up to ensure quality and possible downtimes.
- After 21 days, you qualify for getting into the inner round of choice for WLMStatus Premium.
- Up to 7 people win a free 3-months Premium subscription. First comes, first wins.
- To keep your Premium account during that time, you need to keep your image server online. Servers that go offline will make their owners lose the subscription and be downgraded to normal WLMStatus.
Additional notes about the competition, its duration and its official guidelines will be published in the WLMStatus Forums as soon as the competition starts, so keep an eye on them and maybe register there...
This competition will start on
April 25, 2008. The exact time is not published to prevent server overloads.