well you are welcome not to like it, i personally don't care. I know that this style should make quite a number of people happy. having looked through the skins currently available i can say i don't like a single skin released but many people like them. That is the beauty of this world, we are free to like different things and luckily people have choices.
but now that you have put forward you are not a big fan of apple skins/products, don't go saying you like my skin when it is released
EDIT: Just for the record, I will NEVER use this skin im making because i'm not a windows user, I'm an OS X user. I'm going to the trouble of installing windows and putting together this skin for all of you to have the chance to use. I don't care if only a few people like it, i don't care if thousands of people like it, just as long as it is enjoyed by others i'm happy.