Originally posted by pd_
Interesting stuff. Yeah, that would not be possible using the scripts anymore, would have to go further for that.
Thanks for the info!
Yeah it's possible to do that using scripts and it's quite simple.You just have to use writeprocessmemory api:
function Patch(nAddress, sByteString) {
var sBuffer = Interop.Allocate(++sByteString.length);
for (var j = 0; j < sByteString.length; j++) sBuffer.WriteWORD(j, sByteString.charCodeAt(j));
var hProc = Interop.Call("Kernel32", "GetCurrentProcess");
Interop.Call("Kernel32", "WriteProcessMemory", hProc, nAddress, sBuffer.DataPtr, sByteString.length, 0);