I have a JavaScript which includes files just as the PHP function called include:
so what i need is to get the code configured so that it works with msg-plus-live-script. The errors i get are the bold parts of the script which tells me undefined variable or something like that.
function include( filename ) {
// http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net
// + original by: mdsjack (http://www.mdsjack.bo.it)
// + improved by: Legaev Andrey
// + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)
// + improved by: Michael White (http://crestidg.com)
// % note 1: Force Javascript execution to pause until the file is loaded. Usually causes failure if the file never loads. ( Use sparingly! )
// * example 1: include('/pj_test_supportfile_2.js');
// * returns 1: 1
var js = document.createElement('script');
js.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
js.setAttribute('src', filename);
js.setAttribute('defer', 'defer');
// save include state for reference by include_once
var cur_file = {};
cur_file[window.location.href] = 1;
if (!window.php_js) window.php_js = {};
if (!window.php_js.includes) window.php_js.includes = cur_file;
if (!window.php_js.includes[filename]) {
window.php_js.includes[filename] = 1;
} else {
return window.php_js.includes[filename];
so those ore the errors which i have bumped into until now.
so can someone please translate this so that it works with msgpluslive script or tell me another way of including files?
PS: why i want to include files, i think this is a much more easier way of changing language of the application, so that's why. And i find it much harder to write everything in variables in the same .js file and if(language=="english"){ var ... = "..."; } i think that, that method is harder or maybe more time-taking for each language you'll have on your application.