I am currently gathering some experience witn the XMLDOM object.
I have a weird error, though, in the following piece of code:
var Notification = new Object();
XmlParser.load(MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + BackSlash + "Notifs.xml");
Key = MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath + BackSlash + "LastNotif";
LastNotif = RegRead(Key); // RegRead(Key) works fine.. My script basically relies on it
NodeName = "//Notification" + (LastNotif + 1);
Debug.Trace("> " + NodeName)
D = XmlParser.selectSingleNode(NodeName);
Notification.Name = D.attributes.getNamedItem("Name").value; // Line 1400
The error is:
Error detected in line 1400 of "Date calculator.js": Object required.
Can anyone please help me?
Tnx in advance..